Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Journal #11- Antigone

The chorus' voice has changed, it is not longer just stating the events but it seems like they have more feeling. The also reveal what tragedy means to them. "Tragedy is clean, it is restful, it is flawless. It has nothing to do with melodrama-with wicked villains, persecuted maidens, avengers, sudden revelations [...]" This could be why at the beginning of the play the author did not set up Creon as the villain because he does not believe that that is part of a tragedy. He presents him as a man who wants to be a ruler for his kingdom. The chorus also says, "In a tragedy, noting is in doubt and every one's destiny is known. That makes for tranquility" This is why they revealed what happens to every one in the play in the first few pages. They think that melodrama is vulgar and I'm not sure why. And in a tragedy there is no hope to escape which relates to Antigone because she knows and accepts that she is going to die and does not runaway.

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