1. Foil
"Mis' Woods, Ah have often said to mah husband Ah don't see how uh body like Mis' Woods can stand all them common niggers round her place all de time." "They dont't worry me atall, Mis' Turner." (Hurston)
"Don't worry honey, yuh'll see everything will be fine, maybe yuh'll even make a new friend here and der."
"Mah don't youh care dat he gonna take me away from yuh, dat he gona split us apart?!"
Having foils is a good way to highlight the main character's characteristics and in this case it shows how people that are in the same situation react differently, but that makes them who they are. And as discussed in class there are foils in almost every good book.
2. Imagery
So the beginning of this was a woman and she had come back from burying the dead. Not the dead of sick and ailing with friends at the pillow and the feet. She had come back from the sodden and the bloated; the sudden dead, their eyes flung wide open in judgment. (Hurston)
Edna fell at once to the cold hard ground, knees firs. She sat there and scrunched her back as her head almost reached the dirt floor. Violent sobs began to take over Edna's entire body.
Imagery is important because it doesn't say how or what a character is going through but it actually shows you by appealing to the senses. In the first quote by Hurston she shows whether than tell the reader how her arrival affects the rest of the town. In the second quote I don't just say that Edna feels bad but I actually show it by Edna's reaction and what her body does.
3. Comparison
"Ah laks de woman and Ah sho would hate tuh see her come up lak Mis' Tyler." (Hurston)
"At least yuh still is alive, at least yuh got to meet yuh own motha, at least yuh gots memories of me. Some chillin' ain't even got dat."
Comparison can be like foil but in this case you look at what's the same. In the first quote Sam says he doesn't want Janie to end up like Miss Tyler, who were in the same situation but had different outcomes. The second one Edna's mother compares her to the rest of the children that get taken away from their families. And even though they face the same situation Edna has memories that will last forever while some children don't just like her mom tried to tell her.
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